Szklany dzbanek Ala 1,5l pastelowy niebieski bez BPA
- Dzbanek z grubego szkła o pojemności 1,5 litra. Idealny do serwowania napojów chłodzących. Kolor nakrętki: pastelowy niebieski. BPA FREE.
Produkt wolny od BPA
Grube bezbarwne szkło
Plastikowa nakrętka z uchwytem w kolorze pastelowy niebieski
Zamykany dziubek do nalewania oraz wlew dzbanka
W zestawie uszczelka
Średnica wlewu: 7cm
Wymiary: 14x9,5x27cm
Pojemność: 1500ml
Należy unikać nagłych zmian temperatury
The basis and scope of the Seller's liability to the Customer, if the sold Product has a physical or legal defect (warranty), are defined by generally applicable legal provisions, especially the Civil Code (specifically in articles 556-576 of the Civil Code). For Sales Agreements concluded before December 24, 2014, the basis and scope of the Seller's liability to a Customer, who is an individual purchasing the Product for purposes not related to professional or business activity, due to the Product's non-conformity with the Sales Agreement, are determined by generally applicable legal provisions, in particular by the Act of July 27, 2002, on special conditions of consumer sales and the amendment of the Civil Code (Journal of Laws 2002 No. 141, item 1176, as amended).